Limekis Ink

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Recipies for Limekis

This is Chef Goldfish*Top chef for limekis ink.
I prepare all of the foods at the offical limekis executive clubhouse in SJ, California. All of the limekis leaders are Californian so all of the first headquarters are in Cal. We have one in LA and one in SF. Totally we have three executive clubhouses. To create yours just email us to get a permit. You will receive a certificate too. Back to the cooking. When ever we have a new recipe we just add it. You can add recipes too.* I'm also know as goldfish the co-founder.
  chef.gifChef Goldfish        

Mangornge Creme
           Mangorange Creme is a delicous nutrious smoothie.
oranges,mangos, water, and sugar.
  • peel of the skin on an orange(one orange per 2-3 people)
  • Get some mango juice or peel half a mango( juice is better.)
  • add a tea spoon or two of sugar
  • add a cup of water per orange
  • BLEND or liquefie 

And walla there is your mangorange creme!!!!

Juicy Orange Rounds

Ingredients and tools:

Four oranges, some lemon juice, 2 tabelspoon sugar, and a bowl.

Directions (in order)

  • peel the skin of the oranges
  • cut each orange into slices
  • place them in a bowl then spary lemon juice all over the oranges
  • sprinke sugar
  • finally put it in the freezer for five minutes to ensure flavor

There you have it juicy orange rounds

Chezzie Patatoe


a baked pataote, chesse, sour cream, other yummy stuff.


  • cut the pataote in half but not all the way
  • open it up
  • smear sour cream all over the sides(like making a pbj)
  • put the chesse
  • sprinkle other stuff

And you have one chezzie pataote!!!!


Arrowhead Moutain Spring water

Sponsered by Cous Corp.